Lucy Bichsel, Ph.D.

All sessions are currently conducted via telehealth.


I help people

build warm, trusting and joyful relationships


so that they can look forward to their futures and thrive in the present


You have trouble with relationships, particularly when it comes to getting the attention and closeness you long for. You often feel forgotten and alone, and find yourself working hard for your partner’s attention. And when you’re not in a relationship, you wonder what’s wrong with you.

Either way, you know you can’t spend your life working so hard while feeling so alone.


You and your partner find yourselves in repetitive struggles that drain the love and good feelings from your relationship. One of you is likely visibly angry and dissatisfied, while the other seems not to care. In this dynamic, resentment builds and trust erodes, leaving you with no way to feel close.

You know you can’t live this way, but don’t see the way out, which makes the future uncertain and scary.


It’s no wonder you’re in pain.

Your closest relationships are the linchpin of your emotional and physical health, and when your relationships are distressed, so are your body, mind and heart.

Relationship-focused psychotherapy can help restore your sense of calm, connection and trust.



Heal pain, know yourself, connect with others

I’m a clinical psychologist with a passion for helping people struggling in relationships, including romantic partners, family members, close friends and colleagues. I am laser-focused on healing relationships and strengthening emotional bonds between my patients and their loved ones.

Lucy Bichsel, PhD

Lucy Bichsel, PhD